Nutrition and Mental Health
While we know that when we nourish our bodies with good, nutritious food, it brings us more energy, mental clarity and overall a better state of mental wellbeing. Studies have shown links between deficiencies in certain nutrients and poor mental health. From my own research, here are some supplements which can be beneficial in reducing the severity of symptoms associated with major depressive disorder and anxiety when combined with many other positive nutritional and lifestyle adjustments such as eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to improve mood and overall mental wellbeing. Addressing one’s diet based on presenting symptoms and biochemistry results is a an important aspect in a holistic approach to mental wellness.
Fish Oil 1000 Herbs of Gold:
Higher levels of markers of inflammation in patients with MDD compared with non-depressed, healthy individuals, including the systemic inflammatory marker, C-reactive protein.
Inflammation and depression are inextricably linked. Reducing your inflammatory load is vital in the fight against depression, enabling you to put out the fire of inflammation and achieve a healthy mood.
Suicidal patients have been shown to display elevated levels of inflammation both in the central nervous system and the peripheral blood. A growing body of evidence suggests that inflammation is associated with a dysregulation of the kynurenine pathway in suicidal patients, resulting in an imbalance of neuroactive metabolites.
In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, other mechanisms can explain the advantages of EPA supplementation. First, EPA supplementation has been associated with N-acetyl-aspartate increases in the brain, a marker for neuronal homeostasis, suggesting its role as a neuroprotective agent.
Metagenics CalmX (Mg):
Low magnesium causes increased stress, which leads to an increase in the use and excretion of magnesium, leading to lower magnesium levels.
CalmX contains an enhanced bioavailable form of magnesium which is significant due to its positive effect on gamma-aminobutyric acid synthesis and energy production so will target the client’s energy levels effectively and should be prescribed for a client presenting with a requirement for nervous system support.
Additionally, it contains additional cofactors for neurotransmitter synthesis which will positively affect stress response.
Orthoplex Coenzyme Q10:
There is now evidence that major depression is accompanied by an induction of inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress (IO&NS) pathways and by a lowered antioxidant status. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a strong antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects.
The brain is more vulnerable to oxidative stress (OS) because of its higher oxygen consumption, higher lipid content, and weaker antioxidative defence. OS is a main cause of neurodegeneration and its involvement in the pathogenesis of major depressive disorder (MDD)
Patients with depression have significantly lower plasma levels of important antioxidants, such as vitamin E, zinc, and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), along with an overall reduction in the total antioxidant capacity.
CoQ10 resists mitochondrial damage caused by oxidative and nitrosative species. It curbs the production of proinflammatory substances by controlling the expression and function of transcription factors, such as nuclear factor (NF)-κB, and by inhibiting the release of proinflammatory cytokines. In major depression, there is a significant reduction in serum concentrations of CoQ10.
Orthoplex Pre-Seraton:
L-tryptophan, Mg, Zinc, Vit C, B3, B6
Co-factor support for the production of certain neurotransmitters associated with improved mental health.
It has been hypothesized that the stress-associated hormones, epinephrine and glucocorticoids, may increase the synthesis of zinc-binding metallothionein, resulting in cellular sequestration of zinc and reduced serum zinc levels
Vitamin B6, the pyridoxal-5-phosphate will enable optimal production of serotonin from tryptophan.
Vitamin D3 Drops Forte Bioceuticals:
Recent discovery that the brain possesses vitamin D receptors suggests the possibility that mood and depressive disorders may be related to vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency.
Vitamin D is a unique neuro-steroid hormone and is involved in numerous brain processes including neuroimmunomodulation, neuroprotection, and brain development.
Vitamin D is needed to convert tryptophan to serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates mood, decision-making, social behaviour, excessive worry and impulse control.
Orthoplex S-Adenosylmethionine in conjunction with Probiotic Formula BioMedica EnteroCare:
SAMe is a co-factor to facilitate the conversion of 5-HT to melatonin which increases central turnover of dopamine and serotonin and inhibits degradation of serotonin and L-dopamine in the CNS.
It acts as a methyl donor in cellular methylation reactions, producing nucleic acids, proteins, phospholipids, and various neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine
SAMe is derived from the essential amino acid L-methionine through pathways that require adequate concentrations of folate and vitamin B12. Notably, deficiencies in both folate and vitamin B12 have also been associated with depression.
The concomitant supplementation of SAMe and probiotics could be an effective strategy in the remission of depressive symptoms, as this combination would address gut dysbiosis with attenuation of systemic inflammatory responses and improvement in the healing efficacy of SAMe
The autonomic nervous system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, and nerves within the gastrointestinal tract, all link the gut and the brain, allowing the brain to influence intestinal activities, including activity of functional immune effector cells; and the gut to influence mood, cognition, and mental health --> correcting dysbiosis and leaky gut associated with elevated cortisol and MDD with probiotics will have a positive effect on mental health.
Slippery Elm in EnteroCare puts a coating on the intestinal wall, decreases inflammation and supports intestinal healing which will benefit as leaky gut is caused by chronic inflammation associated with depression and anxiety.
Folate and Vitamin B12 Bioceuticals Spray (If deficient):
Folate, B12 and B6 can improve cerebral function.
Folate deficiency is linked to a poor response to antidepressants.
Vitamin B6 and B12 act as cofactors in the production of CNS serotonin.
Metagenics Infla-Mood:
Curcumin has been shown to increase serotonin and dopamine as well as inhibit the monoamine oxidase enzymes which is important as monoamine deficiency is associated with MDD.
Curcumin's MOA in relation to depression is outlined in the figure below.